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General News | 31 October 2024

Our workshop celebrates 50 years!

One morning, we wake up and realize that MMR has reached the remarkable milestone of 50 years. A number like that deserves to be celebrated. Reflecting on this journey, we remember the first reaction from every visitor who has walked through our factory doors during these decades: “It smells great in here!” The aromas we […]

General News | 1 November 2023

Another small step for the planet

P+R Desjardins, already deeply committed to sustainable building redevelopment and proud of our LEED-certified projects, is thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our service truck fleet – our very first 100% electric vehicle. Captain Simon Pinsonneault is at the helm. We hope that this addition will be warmly welcomed by all, and especially by […]

Banque de développement du Canada
General News | 21 May 2020

We build stairs

One of the latest and most challenging trends in the design industry is staircases. Over the past few years, we have been called upon to create majestic staircases within our management mandates. As designers tap into their creative side, we, as construction experts, must investigate the feasibility and methods required to bring a project’s masterpiece […]

P&R 60 ans anniversaire
General News | 7 February 2020

P&R celebrates its 60th Anniversary!

60 years of P&R. Time to celebrate! At the dawn of the Quiet Revolution in 1960, as Quebec opens up to a modern era, two young engineers in their twenties set the first milestone in P&R’s adventure, to make their mark in the construction industry in Greater Montreal. Each step is carefully thought out in […]